The Other CMS Content Management Strategy

Does your organization have a strategy for managing content? If the answer is no, consider this: a content management strategy will allow you to create, manage, and deliver content that can drive sales and increase leads.

Importance of Content
Content is important for two reasons: search engine optimization and the consumer. Search engines want to provide the best user experience possible. For that reason,


websites that offer the most relevant information will stand out among their competitors.

To elaborate, search engines like content that is keyword-rich. And websites and blogs that contain keywords will consistently show up on the first page of search results for their targeted words and phrases. As of late, Google has made significant changes to its algorithm to push quality websites. These changes help search engines read websites, much like we do. Through two Panda refreshes and one Penguin update, Google has made it easier to weed out and penalize those who try to “game the system” or those who create poor content by using keyword stuffing and unnatural language.

As for consumers, research demonstrates that they are more likely to purchase products or services from businesses that produce custom content. What’s more is that consumers actually prefer free or organic listings on search engines. According to Search Engine Watch, online users overwhelmingly click on organic results by a margin of 94 percent to 6 percent. Why? Because people have grown accustomed to today’s advertising tactics. They feel bombarded by ads for various products or services that they may have shown interest in once. This is extremely common on Facebook. What online users really want is well-written and useful information, not a bunch of jargon or keyword stuffing from a company or organization with a hidden agenda.

What is content management?
Content management is the process of creating and publishing content for the web. While many limit the phrase to that of websites, it can also be used to describe the management of content on blogs, social networks, videos, podcasts, white papers, and mobile. With so many different channels available to distribute content today, it’s more important than ever that your organization has a content management strategy intact.

A content management strategy can help you build authentic relationships with consumers. Research shows that people need to trust a business before they will actually purchase a product from an online store. While they may find your business organically, it’s trust that actually wins over their business.

Therefore, your content management strategy should include the following:

• Editorial Calendar – keep content relevant and useful to customers. It is also important to be consistent and update regularly.

• Positioning Statement – ensure all messaging within your content is congruent with your brand, values, and positioning statement.

• Keyword Research – use keyword tools like Google Keyword Tool or Google Insights to choose words and phrases that best reflect your products and/or services.

• Search Engine Optimization – incorporate these SEO-rich keywords to increase the relevance and search engine ranking of your content. (For more on SEO, read “Why Compelling, SEO-friendly Web Content is a Must.”)

• Content Management System – choose the right CMS, one that will enable complete management of your website’s content and allow you to set up description and keyword tags, which will help with search engine optimization. (For more on CMS, read “How to Choose the Right CMS.”)

A good content management strategy can be a powerful tool for developing and reinforcing a brand. It can also distinguish you as an industry leader or a thought provoker. Start a blog, write genuine content, and don’t forget to include keywords. It’s as simple as that. And if you start to feel like you’re becoming too promotional you probably are. Take a step back and think of how you can be a fountain of information for your consumer. The sales and leads will take care of themselves.